The minute I discovered Flash and computer graphics, it was love at first sight. My sewing machine and paint brushes have been gathering dust ever since. This is working with Images in a way that is completely satisfying, not to mention, available wherever a computer can be found. NOT that I play with the things when I am at work,OF COURSE..

Earlier Work

In Memoriam

Love, Dancing, and Cats--
After the Ball is Over

Happy New Year!

Opera 101

Book Club Notes

Merry Christmas 2008!
Bertie and Pepper are TOTALLY
into Christmas!
Baking,decorating, partying!
Why, it's as if they were
feline Martha Stewarts!

Art History-Familiar Faces

Family Memories

The 7 Deadly Sins

Cosmicomics, by Italo Calvino

God's Away on Business, by Tom Waits

Stories for Children

