Maine 2015

Maine without Lawrence

Hope and Lawrence This was the first time I visited Maine since Lawrence's death. I was afraid of the grief, and there was grief--driving down those roads I traveled with him, looking at those views we loved. I miss him wherever I go, wherever I am.

The first time we visited Maine together was for Harvey's memorial, in 2000. Fifteen years ago.

Cheryl and Ken with Czeiner babyBut my family were so very welcoming, and it was a great comfort to see the familiar places. And to meet the newest family member, James and Krystyana's new baby!

Thank you, Seth and Jenny !


old posterSeth and Jenny generously hosted us in a completely fabulous house with stunning views from every window. AND it was right nextdoor to Geof, Ken, and Persis's house AKA Quent's house. THE echt Maine house, that we all remember.At some point, Geof, Maria, Ken, and Sarah Jane--and others?--came swimming along the shore, and Joy, Beatrice, Jacob, and Dave LEAPT INTO THE FREEZING OCEAN TO JOIN THEM!!! It seems astonishing that anyone would risk their lives so carelessly but I am assured they did so. Thankfully, after a couple hours, their body heat returned to normal.Later we partied on the porch at Quent's house, and I was charmed to see Cathie's sign about not trembling the rafters still in place! Lord, that must be 45 years old.

My pictures, such as they are, are HERE.

Seth, Anna and Jacob all took some simply wonderful pictures, and kindly sent me the links.

Seth's are HERE.

Jacob's are HERE.

Anna's are HERE.

The Great 2015 Lobster Roll Competition

Jenny set herself the challenging task of testing lobster rolls in every venue. It was hard work, and we all admired her dedication. Following is her careful assessment of those she tried. Note that only Cameron's and Schooner's Landing earned the coveted FIVE lobster award. We hope that the too too shaming ranking of King Eider's contender will encourage that restaurant to try harder next year.

Cameron's, Brunswick drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster
Schooner's Landing drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster
McSeagull's, Boothbay drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster
Camden Deli drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster
Dameriscotta River Grill drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster
Seagull Shop, Pemaquid drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster
J.R. Maxwell's, Bath drawing of a lobster drawing of a lobster
King Eider's Pub drawing of a lobster

Boating with cousins

Beatrice and Jacob on boat

Keith&Nick on boat Those continuing their stay with Seth and Jenny for the second week--and newcomers just arriving!-- got the opportunity for a sail on Michael Hope's boat. How blue the water, and fresh the breeze!

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