Very Very Quick Weekend Trip to Maine

Friday: We all make our way to Maine

Flying and driving, we all converged on South Bristol. Some planes were late but saintly patience was the watchword as is EVER THE CASE in our family.

Table 1. Travel Summary

Seth and Anna Lawrence and Hope Jacob Brian and Beatrice Jamie
Anna and Seth in car Hope and Lawrence in airplane Jacob in airplane Beatrice and Brian in an airplane Jamie in car
Left Baltimore at 7:30am, drove all day. Left DC at 6pm for Portland, met S&A in Damariscotta Left NYC at 8, arrived Late but was cheery about it Plane from NYC delayed, arrived VERY LATE INDEED Drove down from Acadia on Saturday


Anodyne House front yardThe next morning we woke to find ourselves in a beautiful house on a beautiful day.(click here for Anodyne House page) The Damariscotta river sparkled across the road, the garden was absolutely lovely, and the house was splendid.

Back yardThe back yard is filled with flowers, with a fine vegetable patch, and the cutest little hen house.

4 hens The four resident hens kindly allowed us to take their eggs for our breakfast. Eating: we did a lot of it. You may ask, what did we eat? Breakfast was cereal, eggs from Gertrude, Celia, Beatrix, or Vita, and bacon from Pig Unknown for whose generosity in making the ultimate sacrifice we have the warmest approbation. Also, of course, COFFEE. Without which, life is futile and lacks all purpose.

picture of eggs and bacon

Other menu options were mostly limited to choices from Table 2 (see below)

Table 2. Menu Options for our weekend in Maine

Food Beverage Alternate beverage
lobster Beer Wine

Saturday lunchWe had a pleasant Lunch in Dameriscotta, and then, went shopping for the PARTY. Around 5 the festivities began--a very good party! The Hope family knows how to party, I believe!

Hope Family partyFollowed by dinner at the lobster pound (for menu options, see Table 2).

Lobster pound dinner


Sunday was again--impossibly--lovely. Lawrence, Beatrice, Brian, and Jacob went sailing with Persis and Peter.


Jacob Swimming

We all eventually gathered for lunch at the Rutherford Island House. Which used to be called Quentin's house. [Note to Geof, Ken, and Persis: please to NAME THE HOUSE. We can't be always be calling it The House That Used To Be Quent&Nat's House, we need a new name. Suggestions. Lunch was excellent, including hot dogs, chicken wings, corn, and ice cream cones. Beverages as in Table 2.

Before lunch, it occurred that people defied fate, and swam in the icy waters. Dear Lord, how heroic are thy people, to thus disdain the evidence of their senses and sport in the icy billows despite the pain and agony they suffer thereby. I myself stayed on land, being ever sensible.

After that splendid lunch, we bid farewell to our dear family and drove back to Anodyne House, stopping first at the lobster pound to buy dinner (see Table 2). The evening was spent on the lovely porch, feasting and drinking. And so to bed.

On the morrow, we had a last breakfast together, made our adieux, dried our tears and headed back to the real world.

Table 3. Going Home

Jamie Seth and Anna Lawrence and Hope Brian and Beatrice Jacob
Jamie in car Anna and Seth in car Hope and Lawrence in airplane Beatrice and Brian in an airplane Jacob in airplane
Drove back to Acadia Sunday noon Monday: Anna to Acadia, Seth to Baltimore. Monday: Drove with Seth to Portland, plane to Baltimore Left late on Monday, plane delayed AGAIN Stayed till Tuesday but it rained.

LOTS of lovely pictures available here

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