Trip to New York
We had a quick visit to New York last weekend, visiting family. Following is a little account of our trip, together with some thumbnails--the prettier bigger pictures are available on Pikasa.
Friday after work
Lawrence and I fled work early on Friday to meet in Bethesda where the Vamoose bus awaits its passengers. After a certain amount of turmoil, we joined the huddled masses on the bus and surged through the heavy Friday traffic on the roadways north. The bus had sold one more ticket than they had seats, and the poor apologetic old Chinese gentleman who had bought it spent the whole 5 hours hunkered down on the floor in front of the loo, which made us all feel uncomfortable. However, once at Penn Station we bade begone to dull care, pressing onward via the C Train to Brooklyn, where Jacob awaited us, escorting us to his splendid apartment. Beatrice awaited us there, and after a celebratory bottle of champagne, we went out to a lovely restaurant and had several more celebratory bottles with our delicious and very welcome dinner.

Saturday Morning
The next morning we bought fruit and bread at the farmer's market at Fort Green Park. A LITTLE BIT FREEZING out, but bright and sunny. After breakfast, we walked about the teeming streets of Brooklyn, meeting up with Beatrice for lunch. Then we walked over to Beatrice's lovely apartment, which is not more than a 10 minute walk from Jacob's. We said hello to Oskar, who apologized for his scruffy appearance--was on his way to the kitty hairdresser for a lion cut, the better to show off his new trim physique. I don't know if I can say he was GLAD to see us, but not actually disgusted, at least.

Dinner at Jacob's with Larry and Joy
We shopped in the richly provided stores of Brooklyn and were able to present a splendid repast to Larry and Joy who joined us together with Sarah and Beatrice. Lawrence wrapped a charming eye-of-the-round roast in bacon, and made roast potatoes to go with, just like his mum taught him. Plus we had some excellent baby bok choy from the market, very fine indeed. We chatted, we et, we drank--drank quite a lot, actually, 8 bottles for 7 people!

Sunday Brunch at 26 Jones Street
Sunday morning we set off for Greenwich Village, purchasing bagels and cream cheese at the shop around the corner from Joy and Larry's place--and running into my dear cousins Sarah Jane and Michael, with their daughter Krystyana and her James on the way to the house! Not as amazing as it might seem, as we had all agreed to meet for brunch. Joy and Larry had prepared a banquet, and we chatted and ate, and had a swell time together--after which Lawrence and I darted off to catch our bus back to DC. LOTS of fun packed into two short days.