Train to San Diego
Once the weary business was done, I rushed to the train station, and boarded the big old double decker train to San Diego--$19, and a lovely ride down the coast, with the ocean on one side and the hills on the other.

San Diego--Visit with Faith
Faith picked me up at the station (a lovely place, on the waterfront), and we had a few drinks to celebrate my sucessful arrival in San Diego, the brilliant weather, being sisters, Faith's new grandson, and whatever else we could think of. Then we made our way to Faith's house, which has a fine view of the hills.

Then Becky and John came over with the new baby, and we went out for a pizza, meeting Jeremy there.

Balboa Park
The next morning, Faith and I had a lovely lunch, and then rambled about Balboa park--the place was blooming...

Lawrence arrives!
Lawrence flew in on Thursday evening, and Arabella and I picked him up at the airport.

The next day, Arabella took us around the city, including a splendid ride on the ferry over to Coronado Island. San Diego is a major naval base, and we saw some enormous naval vessels.

Lunch in La Jolla
We met Arabella's roomate Gina and her parents in La Jolla --streets festive and shops bustling--and I loved the amazing red bottlebrush trees)for a fine lunch, after which we climbed down the pirate stairs in the little shop on across the road, to the secret cave below the street.

Family Party at Arabella's House!
Faith, Jeremy, Becky, John, Baby John, and Arabella's other room mate joined us for dinner on Saturday night.

And the next day,back to DC first thing of a Sunday morning. A fine visit!