Naturally, we were all there,--old Qfwfq said, where else could we have been: Nobody knew then that there could be space. Or time either: what use did we have for time, packed in there like sardines?I say "packed liked sardines," using a literary image: in reality, there wasn't even space to pack us into.
How many of us were there? Oh, I was never able to figure that out, not even approximately. To make a count, we would have had to move apart, at least a little, and instead we all occupied the same point.Contrary to what you might think, it wasn't the sort of situation that encourages sociability; I know, for example, that in other periods neighbors called on one another; but there, because of the fact that we were all neighbors,nobody even said good morning or good evening to anyone else.In the end each of us associated only with a limited number of acquaintances.The ones I remember most are Mrs. Ph(i)Nko, her friend De XuaeauX, a family of immigrants by the name of Z'zu and Mr. PbertPberd,whom I just mentioned. | ![]() |
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There was also a cleaning woman--"maintenance staff" she was called--only, for the whole universe,since there was so little room. To tell the truth, she had nothing to do all day long, not even dusting--inside one point not even a grain of dust can enter -so she spent all her time gossiping and complaining. | ![]() |
Just with the people I've already named we would have been overcrowded; but you have to add all the stuff we had to keep piled up in there: all the material that was later to become part of astronomy (like the nebula of Andromeda) from what was assigned to geography (the Vosges, for example) or to chemistry (like certain beryllium isotopes).
And on top of that, we were always bumping against the Z'zu family's household goods: camp beds, mattresses, baskets,
these Z'zus, if you weren't careful, with the excuse that they were a large family, would begin to act as if they were the only ones in the world: they even wanted to hang lines across our point to dry their washing.
But the others also had wronged the Z'zus, to begin with, by calling them "immigrants," on the pretext that, since the others had been there first, the Z'zus had come later. This was mere unfounded prejudice--that seems obvious to me--because neither before nor after existed, no any place to immigrate from, but there were those who insisted that the concept of "immigrant" could be understood in the abstract, outside of space and time. It was what you might call a narrow-minded attitude, our outlook at that time, very petty. The fault of the environment in which we had been reared.
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An attitude that, basically, has remained in all of us, mind you: it keeps cropping up even today, if two of us happen to meet--at the bus stop, in a movie house, at an international dentist's convention--and start reminiscing about the old days. |
We say hello--at times somebody recognizes me, at other times I recognize somebody--and we promptly start asking about this one and that one (even if each remembers only a few of those remembered by the others), and so we start in again on the old disputes, the slanders, the denigrations.
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Until somebody mentions Mrs. Ph(i)Nko--every conversation finally gets around to her--and then, all of a sudden, the pettiness is put aside, and we feel uplifted, filled with a blissful, generous emotion. Mrs.Ph(i)Nko, the only one that none of us has forgotten and that we all regret. Where has she ended up? I have long since stopped looking for her: Mrs. Ph(i)Nko, her bosom, her thighs, her orange dressing gown--we'll never meet her again, in this system of galaxies or in any other. | ![]() |
Let me make one thing clear: this theory that the universe, having reached an extremity of rarefaction, will be condensed again has never convinced me. And yet many of us are counting only on that, continually making plans for the time when we'll all be back there again.
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Last month, I went into the bar here on the corner and who did I see? Mr. PbertPberd . "What's new with you? How do you happen to be in this neighborhood?" I learned that he's the agent for a plastics firm, in Pavia. He's the same as ever, with his silver tooth, his loud suspenders. |
"When we get back there," he said to me, in a whisper," the thing we have to make sure of is, this time, certain people remain know who I mean: those Z'zus..."I would have liked to answer him by saying that I've heard a number of people make the same remark, concluding, "you know who I mean... Mr. PbertPberd ..."
To avoid the subject, I hastened to say: " What about Mrs. Ph(i)Nko ? Do you think we'll find her back there again?" "Ah yes...She by all means..." he said, turning purple. For all of us the hope of returning to that point means, above all, the hope of being once more with Mrs. Ph(i)Nko. (This applies even to me, though I don't believe in it.) And in that bar, as always happens, we fell to talking about her, and were moved; even Mr.PbertPberd 's unpleasantness faded, in the face of that memory. Mrs. Ph(i)Nko's great secret was that she never aroused any jealousy among us. Or any gossip, either. The fact that she went to bed with her friend, Mr. De XuaeauX, was well known, but in a point, if there's a bed, it takes up the whole point, so it isn't a question of going to bed but of being there, because anybody in the point is also in the bed. Consequently, it was inevitable that she should be in bed also with each of us. |
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We got along so well together, so well that something extraordinary was bound to happen. It was enough for her to say, at a certain moment: "Oh, if I only had some room, how I'd like to make some noodles for you boys!" And in that moment we all thought of the space that her round arms would occupy, moving backward and forward with the rolling pin over the dough, her bosom leaning over the great mound of flour and eggs which cluttered the wide board while her arms kneaded and kneaded, white and shiny with oil up to the elbows, |
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and at the same time we thought of it, this space was inevitably being formed, at the same time that Mrs. Ph(i)Nko was uttering these words: "...ah, what noodles, boys!" the point that contained her and all of us was expanding in a halo of distance in light-years and light-centuries and billions of light-millennia, and we were being hurled to the four corners of the universe (Mr. PbertPberd all the way to Pavia), and she, Mrs. Ph(i)Nko , she who in our closed, petty world had been capable of a generous impulse, "Boys, the noodles I would make for you!," a true outburst of general love, initiating at the same moment the concept of space and, properly speaking, space itself, and time, and universal gravitation, and the gravitating universe, making possible billions and billions of suns, and of planets, and fields of wheat, and Mrs. Ph(i)Nkos, scattered through the continents of the planets, kneading with floury, oil-shiny, generous arms, and she lost at that very moment, and we, mourning her loss. |
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