000624 Uncle Harvey's Memorial

Harvey P6242090  Hopewood Daniel,Hope,Michaelm,Seth Celia
Claire,Celia,Helen,Hope. Claire,Helen Daniel and Quentin Geof and Todd Herzog
Hope and Peter's daughter Hope,Joy,Persis Larry,Hope Margo and-
Natalie P6242091 P6242092 P6242095
P6242097 P6242098 P6242100 P6242102
P6242103 P6242105 P6242106 P6242108
P6242109 P6242110 P6242112 P6242114
P6242115 P6242117 P6242118 P6242120
P6242121 P6242124 P6242125 P6242127
P6242130 P6242132 P6242134 P6242136
P6242137 P6242143 P6242145 P6242146
P6242148 P6242149 P6242151 P6242152
P6252180 P6252194 P6252195 P6252197
P6252204 P6252208 P6252209 P6252214
Quentin's porch SarahJane, Peter Hope, Hope