Tuesday, September 25, 2001

The fuselage has had much done to it to get to this stage. The undercarriage mounting had to be built up and installed. This was done using epoxy and positioning structures, all in plywood. I actually added an extra piece to each side for added strength and used screws as well as epoxy to hold it in place.

The top has been framed in and the fin attached. This latter required great accuracy as the fin and stablizer had to be squared along with the mount points at the front of the fuselage for the main wing. The fin was epoxied into place and then the framing built around it, all being sanded to form. The tailplane, or stabilizer, in this picture is not fixed into position, this will occur after covering. The location has been marked however so an accurate position can be recovered.

The cockpit floor is in place and this limits the pilot to a chest upward form. It is clear that the cockpit could be built to allow a full form pilot. But not this time anyway. Next we build the wing struts and mount the wing with the proper incidence. Tricky bit this.