table with jug of egg nog thistle Another Christmas! I baked and shopped, and persuaded the kids to come a little early so that we could have our party on Sunday the 22nd instead of Tuesday the 24th.Many people were amazed at the change, and in fact would have come on Christmas Eve if they hadn't been sternly reminded. Joy
Little boys playing The party was such fun, with all the traditional foodstuffs and of course, a jug of egg nog.
There were children for Dino to play with!
Though the beautiful little girls completely ignored him and the other lads.As beautiful girls do.
fine tower of blocks Lawrence dazzled us all with his tower building. Dino was spellbound! And then knocked it down. Sic transit gloria.
After an excellent Christmas Eve dinner of cioppino (made by Alec) we opened gifts on Christmas morning, and then went over to Daniel and Claire's where all the family gathered for a fine Christmas dinner. With singing!
Some pictures here. Which includes pictures of dear family who couldn't join us.

Christmas gifting list is here.

Christmas letter is here.

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