Hope has had a pretty good year, keeping busy, drawing pictures and seeing friends, and learning to accept life without Lawrence--but always missing him, always remembering him, with such love. This summer she bravely made a trip to Maine, the first time traveling without Lawrence. Hard, and sad, to make the familiar trip without him, but it was wonderful to spend the time with her dear family.
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Aaron spent 2015 living in Alexandria, Virginia and working in his thrift business in the DC area. His apartment allowed him the pleasure of carting a kayak down through a park to the nearby Potomac river and so fish on free afternoons. A silver lining in the exorbitant fees demanded by the apartment laundry room is that Aaron visits his mother in nearby Bethesda every week. When not in DC, Aaron is back on short trips to Estonia, where he likes to catch up with friends and see the region develop. He's planning a similar 2016, with most time and focus being in America, punctuated by breaks to Europe. |
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Arabella had a better year than last year--despite it starting off with a sushi-borne parasite! She sold the house in San Diego! Got out of debt! Remodeled her garage into a little gym, got a ping pong table! Bought a 3 week trip to Europe--had the most amazing time with her family in England and her siblings in Greece. She read the Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin while there and has been working on her own happiness project for next year ever since-- so excited for 2016! And trying sushi again! Stay tuned! |
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Beatrice enjoyed her retirement through much of the year but her bank account took issue with it. It won in the end and she has returned to employment and hotel tech. This might end up limiting her beach time but she will muddle through. Otherwise, and even with that, life remains entertaining and Brooklyn remains home. (mystery man = Alec) |
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Jacob moved up to northern Manhattan with Jenn and has been living in a quiet neighborhood called Inwood. There is a beautiful large park but only 1 coffee shop! He is currently unemployed and has been catching up on the Great British Baking Show while considering future avenues of employment. |
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Joy’s year was full of exciting new developments! She got a bigger, better position in the University of Bradford working as an educational developer, she moved to a lovely Georgian flat more in the center of Leeds, and she got herself a new man. Bryan is Scottish and most of the family can understand what he says after only a little while of intense concentration. In and around all this was a wonderful trip to Greece with almost all the siblings to celebrate her and Aaron's 34th birthday, and a trip to Savannah, GA to celebrate Moses' 70th birthday. Like wine, everyone is getting finer with age. |
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