Dino eats cupcake

The soon-to-be three year old hinted that SPIDERMAN CUPCAKES might be acceptable as party fare, and his fond mama added that a party of possibly 30 revelers would be taking part in the festivities.
Let us say, 4 dozen confections.

Making them: not a problem.

Baking cupcakes

Transporting them to Brooklyn: PROBLEM!

But a stout-hearted granny relishes such challenges! Cupcake carriers were assembled, a folding wheeled cart acquired, and the iced and decorated cupcakes embarked on the train to NY!

Party Time!

The party was in a park close to Grandma Elaine's apartment. Dino's friends and their parents arrived and soon everyone was running about having a wonderful time. Afterwards, we all went home and HAD A NAP.

Pictures here!
Party in the Park

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